


iTeraCare Device releases the meta-infrared with the same frequency as the human body, which can be safely absorbed by the cells of the human body, supplementing the missing energy for the protein molecules in the human tissue cells, and transmitting between cells to promote the development of human cells activities. Terahertz waves resonate with human cell macromolecules, effectively promote the vibration of DNA and other organic molecules, actively strengthen the DNA repair mechanism, promote cell self-repair, open up the body's meridians, stimulate acupoints to stimulate meridians, clear blood waste, and promote new metabolism .

Eliminating Unhealthy Cells

TetraHertz frequency energy is the same with our normal cells. All abnormal or mutated cells will be absorbed and eliminated.

Activate Inner Cells

TeraHertz frequency will absorb and activate cells with moderate temperature, thus eliminating dormant cells.

Increase Self-healing

TeraHertz frequency has the same resonance with our cells. It induces and strengthens DNA and organic molecules whereby it enhances self-repairing body cells.

Clear Meridian and Lymphs

Unblock meridians, stimulate acupuncture points, purify blood and increase metabolism.

Improve Mircocirculation

TeraHertz wavelength dilates blood vessels. It reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity hence improving microcirculation.

Regulating Glands

Regulate endocrine glands and protect our organs.

Remove Body Humidity

Clear unhealth body moisture and balance body immunity system.


Clear blood impurities and cleanse inner body. Promote blood circulation and removing clogs. Soften blood vessels and lumps.

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