Our Services


Abhyangam Treatment

Abhyangam is a massage that is done with warm oil. The oil is applied on the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet. It’s the most popular massage in Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine from India.

Benefits of Abhyangam
  • Better circulation throughout the body
  • Provides lubrication for the joints, reducing pain and inflammation
  • Encourages elimination of toxins and impurities from the body
  • Increases strength of bones and muscles
  • Improves immunity
  • Removes stiffness in body parts
  • Decreases symptoms of fatigue especially for the feet
  • Enhances concentration and focus
  • Relaxes the mind and promotes better and deeper sleep
  • Makes skin softer and smoother, reduces wrinkles
  • Slows down visible signs of ageing

Treatment Time: 60 minutes
Price: RM100/=
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  • Food: Clients are advised not to take any meals immediately before undergoing any ayurvedic therapy. A light meal may be at taken at least half (1/2) an hour, and a full meal at least one (1) hour, before the ayurvedic treatment.
  • Attire: Clients are advised to be attired in loose and comfortable attire.
  • Valuables: Please leave valuables at home. The management accepts no responsibility for any loss of money or valuables brought into the Sanctuary.
  • Payment Mode: Cash/transfer
  • Cancellation: We appreciate cancellation notice of at least one (1) day to provide sufficient notice to others who may wish to take up the vacant slot.
  • Etiquette: In our efforts to ensure that all clients benefit from the ayurvedic treatments we provide, we seek your kind understanding to keep noise level to a minimum. Kindly switch off all electronic devices.