Our Services

Kati Basti

Kati Basti

Kati Basti is a soothing treatment where a large quantity of warm herbalised oil is retained on your lower back to relieve pain, stiffness and inflamation

Benefits of Kati Basti
  • Effective for chronic back pain and lumber Spondylitis and numbness
  • Relieves the pain due to Osteoarthritis of the backbone and weaknesses
  • The abnormal curve of the spine, problems like scoliosis can be cured
  • This therapy helps to recover from spinal cord problems
  • It makes back active and flexible, free from tiredness
  • It is non-invasive and helps to save you from spinal surgeries

Treatment Time: 45 minutes
Price: RM80/=
Enquire Now
  • Food: Clients are advised not to take any meals immediately before undergoing any ayurvedic therapy. A light meal may be at taken at least half (1/2) an hour, and a full meal at least one (1) hour, before the ayurvedic treatment.
  • Attire: Clients are advised to be attired in loose and comfortable attire.
  • Valuables: Please leave valuables at home. The management accepts no responsibility for any loss of money or valuables brought into the Sanctuary.
  • Payment Mode: Cash/transfer
  • Cancellation: We appreciate cancellation notice of at least one (1) day to provide sufficient notice to others who may wish to take up the vacant slot.
  • Etiquette: In our efforts to ensure that all clients benefit from the ayurvedic treatments we provide, we seek your kind understanding to keep noise level to a minimum. Kindly switch off all electronic devices.