Our Services

Padha Abhyangam

Padha Abhyangam

Padabhyanga is Ayurvedic foot massage which is soothing, revitalising, calming and balancing various disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. Ayurveda says that five marmas (vital areas) out of 107 marmas are located in each foor. The feet are very important part in our body as it contains many nerve endings. So Padabhyanga is central to our health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Padha Abhyangam
  • Helps to calm the mind
  • Relaxes and revitalises the central nervous system
  • Helps to maintain eyesight and hearing
  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Removes fatigue of the lower limbs
  • Helps to prevent sciatica problem
  • Removes contraction of the ligaments, vessels and muscles of the feet
  • Improves digestion

Treatment Time: 30 minutes
Price: RM30/=
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  • Food: Clients are advised not to take any meals immediately before undergoing any ayurvedic therapy. A light meal may be at taken at least half (1/2) an hour, and a full meal at least one (1) hour, before the ayurvedic treatment.
  • Attire: Clients are advised to be attired in loose and comfortable attire.
  • Valuables: Please leave valuables at home. The management accepts no responsibility for any loss of money or valuables brought into the Sanctuary.
  • Payment Mode: Cash/transfer
  • Cancellation: We appreciate cancellation notice of at least one (1) day to provide sufficient notice to others who may wish to take up the vacant slot.
  • Etiquette: In our efforts to ensure that all clients benefit from the ayurvedic treatments we provide, we seek your kind understanding to keep noise level to a minimum. Kindly switch off all electronic devices.